What Are the Most Common Web Development Issues in 2024?

What are some of the most common web development issues in 2024, and how can developers effectively troubleshoot them?
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What are some of the most common web development issues in 2024, and how can developers effectively troubleshoot them? Here is what 7 thought leaders have to say.

  • Optimise for Speed and Security
  • Enhance Performance and Consistency
  • Utilise Testing and Debugging Tools
  • Leverage Data and Cutting-Edge Tech
  • Ensure Responsive Design and Accessibility
  • Address Authentication and Data Privacy
  • Automate Testing for Compatibility and Performance

Optimise for Speed and Security

Some of the most common web-development issues include slow page-load times, compatibility problems across different devices and browsers, and security vulnerabilities. Slow page-load times can frustrate users and harm your search engine rankings. Developers can troubleshoot this by optimising images, using efficient coding practices, and implementing lazy-loading, where images and videos load only when needed.

Compatibility issues arise when a website doesn’t function properly across various devices or browsers. To address this, developers should test their site on multiple platforms during development to catch and fix any problems early. Security vulnerabilities are also a big concern, especially with the rise in cyberattacks. Regular security audits and keeping all software up to date are crucial for preventing breaches. Developers can effectively troubleshoot these issues by staying proactive and thorough in testing and ensuring a smooth user experience.

Shane McEvoy, MD, Flycast Media

Enhance Performance and Consistency

In 2024, common web development issues include performance bottlenecks and compatibility problems across devices. To troubleshoot effectively, I focus on optimising code and leveraging tools like performance analyzers and cross-browser testing platforms. For instance, identifying slow-loading scripts and adjusting them can significantly enhance user experience. Regularly testing on various devices and browsers ensures consistency, helping to catch and fix issues early, keeping your site smooth and user-friendly.

David Wilfong, Founder and CEO, DavidWilfong

Utilise Testing and Debugging Tools

Developers in 2024 often grapple with challenges such as performance optimisation, ensuring websites load quickly and efficiently. Cross-browser compatibility remains an issue, requiring meticulous testing across different platforms. Strong precautions must be taken to protect user data because security flaws are a persistent concern. While responsive design is necessary to adjust to different screen sizes, its successful implementation can be challenging.

Developers use security scanners, browser compatibility testing suites, and debugging tools to find performance bottlenecks and troubleshoot these problems. A deep understanding of web standards and best practices is crucial. Additionally, staying updated with the latest frameworks and libraries can help streamline development and address common pitfalls.

Fahad Khan, Digital Marketing Manager, Ubuy India

Leverage Data and Cutting-Edge Tech

I’ve seen many common web development issues. One is managing massive amounts of data from connected devices. My team built a scalable data pipeline and uses machine learning to gain insights. We found over 70% of our Shopify clients had slow page load times on mobile, so we focused on optimising performance through lazy-loading and reducing bandwidth usage.

Security and privacy are also big concerns. We encrypt all data and regularly audit our systems and software for vulnerabilities. Just last month, we caught an intrusion attempt and patched the issue within hours.

A major challenge is keeping up with new technologies like VR and AR. We test new tech extensively to ensure a good user experience before integrating it into clients’ websites. For example, we built an AR app for a retail client that increased in-store traffic by over 30% in the first month. 

Overall, the keys are focusing on users, leveraging data, and staying on the cutting edge.

Chase Chappell, Founder, Sirge

Ensure Responsive Design and Accessibility

Responsive Design and Cross-Browser Compatibility: Adjusting layouts for different devices and ensuring that designs function across various browsers. Solutions include responsive frameworks. Let those who test in IE go only as far down the rabbit hole as necessary to get things working. Use a mobile-first approach. Stick around on Lighthouse, and make sure your browser testing hits all the browsers.

Performance Optimisation: User Experience and SEO remain important factors that depend on the speed of your website. Improve performance by compressing assets, caching them, and using CDNs (Content Delivery Networks), as well as lazy-loading media.

Security Concerns: HTTPS, secure authentication methods, and security audits should be included to safeguard against cyber threats.

Accessibility Compliance: Make websites accessible to those with disabilities. Comply with accessibility guidelines like the WCAG, use semantic HTML structure, add alt tags for images, and ensure keyboard navigability.

Core Web Vitals Optimisation: Effort should be put into Google Core Web Vitals metrics (LCP, FID, and CLS) for better SEO impact along with user experience. Load content at the top of the fold and avoid layout shifts.

Complexity of JavaScript Frameworks: Scale the dynamic JavaScript framework world by selectively choosing your frameworks to best suit your needs, keeping up with emerging trends, and using micro-frontends for larger applications.

Supratim Sircar, Software Engineer, Cisco

Address Authentication and Data Privacy

I’ve seen many web development issues over the years. In 2024, authentication and data privacy continue to challenge developers.

  • Scalability and uptime are major concerns as more companies move authentication to the cloud. If an authentication service goes down, your whole application is down. 
  • Developers struggle to keep up with new regulations like GDPR and CCPA. 
  • Augmented reality, virtual reality, and voice assistants introduce new authentication methods beyond passwords. 

Brian Pontarelli, CEO, FusionAuth

Automate Testing for Compatibility and Performance

Common web development issues in 2024 include cross-browser compatibility challenges, complex state management, and performance bottlenecks. To effectively troubleshoot these issues, developers should use automated testing frameworks like Cypress or Selenium to identify compatibility issues early. Managing complex state can be simplified by leveraging state management libraries like Redux or Zustand, which make debugging and state tracking more straightforward. 

Performance bottlenecks, often caused by unoptimised assets or excessive JavaScript, can be addressed by using tools like Webpack for bundling and compression, along with regular performance audits using tools like Lighthouse.

Jas Bola, Product Marketing, Minecraft Menu

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