3 Best Pet Care Apps to Keep Your Furry Friends Healthy and Happy in 2025

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We asked CEOs and co-founders to share their favorite pet care apps to keep your furry friends healthy and happy. From Pawsome increasing user retention to FurryFriend+ simplifying pet care, here are three apps that will enhance your pet’s well-being in 2025.

  • Pawsome Increases User Retention
  • PetPal Improves Pet Health
  • FurryFriend+ Simplifies Pet Care

Pawsome Increases User Retention

We’ve analyzed user-engagement data for various pet care apps and found Pawsome to be the standout choice for 2025. Its AI-driven, personalised reminders and seamless vet-appointment scheduling have resulted in a 30% increase in user retention compared to other apps in the market.

Ryan Doser, Co-Founder, AI Insider Tips

PetPal Improves Pet Health

Our analysis shows that PetPal is revolutionising pet care with its AI-powered health tracking and personalised nutrition recommendations. Our team has observed a 40% improvement in pet health outcomes for users who consistently engage with the app’s features, making it the top choice for pet owners in 2025.

Dan Ponomarenko, CEO, Webvizio

FurryFriend+ Simplifies Pet Care

FurryFriend+ steals the show as the top pet-care app for 2025, offering an unparalleled user experience. Its intuitive interface and clear, concise information presentation remind me of our work, making complex pet-care decisions as simple as finding the perfect assisted-living facility.

Justine Underhill, Chief Marketing Officer, Mirador Living

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