Does Python Have a String ‘Contains’ Substring Method? Expert Answered

Does Python Have a String 'Contains' Substring Method? Expert Answered
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When working with strings in Python, one of the most common tasks is to check if a string contains a substring. In this blog, we’ll explore how to accomplish this task using various methods in Python. We’ll cover a range of techniques, from the simplest to more advanced, to give you a comprehensive understanding of substring searches in Python.

How to Check if a String Contains a Substring in Python

Python does not have a built-in string contains method as found in some other programming languages. However, Python provides several efficient ways to perform this task. The most common method is using the in operator.

Using the ‘in’ Operator

The in operator is a powerful and straightforward way to check if a string contains a substring in Python. It is both readable and efficient.


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# Example 1: Using ‘in’ operator

main_string = “Hello, welcome to the world of Python programming.”

substring = “Python”

if substring in main_string:

 print(“The substring was found.”)


 print(“The substring was not found.”)

Python Method to Find Substring in String

Another approach to check for a substring is using the find() method. This method returns the lowest index of the substring if it is found in the string; otherwise, it returns -1.


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# Example 2: Using find() method

main_string = “Hello, welcome to the world of Python programming.”

substring = “world”

index = main_string.find(substring)

if index != -1:

 print(f”The substring was found at index {index}.”)


 print(“The substring was not found.”)

Python String Contains Another String Example

For those who prefer a more object-oriented approach, you can define a method within a class to encapsulate this functionality.


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# Example 3: Object-oriented approach

class StringUtil:


 def contains(main_string, substring):

 return substring in main_string

main_string = “Hello, welcome to the world of Python programming.”

substring = “welcome”

if StringUtil.contains(main_string, substring):

 print(“The substring was found.”)


 print(“The substring was not found.”)

Best Way to Search for a Substring in a Python String

The best way to search for a substring often depends on the specific use case and performance requirements. The in operator is generally the best choice for most cases due to its readability and efficiency.

Efficient Substring Search in Python Strings

If you are dealing with large strings and performance is a concern, you might want to consider using more advanced techniques like regular expressions or other built-in methods.


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# Example 4: Using regular expressions

import re

main_string = “Hello, welcome to the world of Python programming.”

substring = “Python”

if, main_string):

 print(“The substring was found.”)


 print(“The substring was not found.”)

Case-Insensitive Substring Search in Python

To perform a case-insensitive substring search, you can convert both the main string and the substring to the same case (either lower or upper) before performing the search.


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# Example 5: Case-insensitive search

main_string = “Hello, welcome to the world of Python programming.”

substring = “python”

if substring.lower() in main_string.lower():

 print(“The substring was found.”)


 print(“The substring was not found.”)

Comparing Python Substring Search Methods

When comparing different substring search methods in Python, the in operator is usually the most efficient for simple checks due to its direct and optimized implementation. The find() method is also efficient and provides additional functionality by returning the index of the substring. Regular expressions, while powerful, can be overkill for simple substring searches and may introduce performance overhead for very large strings.

Handling Substring Search in Large Python Strings

For handling large strings, consider using methods that minimize the number of operations, such as find() or index(), which can quickly locate the position of a substring. Regular expressions can also be useful but should be tested for performance in the specific context.

Using Built-in Methods for Substring Search in Python

Python provides several built-in methods for substring searches, including in, find(), index(), and regular expressions (re module). Each method has its use cases and benefits:

  • in operator: Simple and efficient for direct checks.
  • find() method: Returns the starting index or -1 if not found.
  • index() method: Similar to find() but raises a ValueError if the substring is not found.
  • Allows for complex pattern matching and case-insensitive searches.

How to Implement Custom Substring Search in Python

If built-in methods do not meet your specific needs, you can implement a custom substring search function. This can be useful for learning purposes or to handle unique requirements.


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def custom_substring_search(main_string, substring):

 m, n = len(main_string), len(substring)

 for i in range(m – n + 1):

 if main_string[i:i+n] == substring:

 return i

 return -1

main_string = “Hello, welcome to the world of Python programming.”

substring = “Python”

index = custom_substring_search(main_string, substring)

if index != -1:

 print(f”The substring was found at index {index}.”)


 print(“The substring was not found.”)

Python Substring Search Performance Comparison

For most practical purposes, the in operator is the best balance of performance and readability. The find() method is also performant and useful when you need the index of the substring. Regular expressions are powerful but can be slower and more complex.


Python offers a variety of methods to check if a string contains a substring. The in operator is the most straightforward and efficient method for simple checks. The find() method provides additional functionality by returning the index. For more complex searches, regular expressions offer powerful capabilities. Understanding these methods and their use cases will help you efficiently perform substring searches in your Python projects.

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